
NMR 8 - The origin of spin coupling

Consider a simple case of two CHs next to eachother:

The magnetic shielding of HA is slightly affected by the spin of HB. In some molecules, HB will have a +½ spin, in others it will have -½. At room temperature, spin populations are pretty much populated 50:50. So half of HA will be in one environment, and half of HA will be in a slightly different environment.

Using the same logic for HB, the spectra of these two hydrogens will be a doublet of doublets.

The n+1 rule just sums up the result of this thinking process. For example, for HA coupled with two HBs, it gives a splitting of three. The three different HA environments are both HB at +½ spin, both at -½ spin, and one at +½ and the other at -½.

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