
Infrared spectra of acid chlorides

These show a strong C=O band at 1810-1775. Acid chlorides and acid anhydrides are the main functional groups which show a C=O band at such high frequency.

There is also a C-Cl stretch from 730-550. This often splits into up to four peaks, due to different possible conformations.

Acetyl chloride
Benzoyl chloride - note the C=O shifted by conjugation


  1. "Acid Halides square measure unremarkably derived from acids or their salts by replacement of hydroxyl radical teams by grouping
    atoms. The acid halides also are referred to as halides. The acid halides square measure extremely reactive substances
    used primarily in organic syntheses to introduce the chemical group. They react with water, ammonia, and alcohols
    to give carboxyl acids, amides, and esters, severally. Most of the Acid halides provides by Loba Chemie
    are liquids, insoluble in water. they need sharp odours and irritate the mucose membranes.We are manufacturers of reagents for laboratory analysis and chemical products for industrial use by the pharmaceutical, foodstuff, chemical and research and development sectors,hospitals and universities."

  2. Could yoy please provide the reference of the book where this spectra was teken.
    Thank you in advance!
