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Fire Assay
Fire Assay is a technique which analyzes the amount of precious metal (gold, silver, palladium and platinum) in a sample of ore or scrap. It...
Stable Cyclic Carbenes
By "stable" we mean carbenes which can exist at room temperature without being bonded to a metal ion. Stable cyclic carbenes are c...
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The close relation of work and heat
Work and heat are both measured in joules, and are considered different ways of transferring energy . They are found experimentally to be ea...
van der Waal equation of state example
You are given the temperature, pressure, and constants a and b of a gas. Estimate the molar volume: We simply multiple both sides ...
van der Waals equation of state derivation
This attempts to account for some of the assumptions of the perfect gas equation of state. It is a good example of scientific thinking ab...
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Real gases
A real gas approaches a perfect gas at 0 pressure. Attractive forces dominate at moderate pressures and repulsive forces at high pressu...
Partial pressures
In a mixture of gases, perfect or real, the partial pressure of an individual gas defined as: p i = Patial pressure p = Total pressure...
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